"Anthony" <***@hellno.cox.net> wrote in message news:BJbuf.72488$***@dukeread12...
| Here I am watching GI JOE the movie and during the first 5 minutes Cobra
| blasting away at the statue of liberty and a thought hit me: al quida
| learned from the school of Cobra. Bin laden is cobra commander! He cant do
| nutin himself. His troops are like cobra cowards and weaklings. Destro is
| like all the countires that wont admit their helping al quida but sells
| what they want. Man were the hell is our G I JOE?
That would make George W. BUSHTURD & "Jeb" BUSHTURD (although John Major
is a pretty close twin to George BUSHTURD) quite obviously Tomax and Xamot.
Whom else would conquer a nation while looting the United State's
National Treasury into Halliburton (and their subserviant splinter
organizations) & the Carlyle Group's pockets? Toss in the "Project For a
New American Century" and their conspiracy to "Stage another Pearl Harbor"
(the attacks on the World Trade Center on 9-11-2001) to gain power
In late September The Wall Street Journal touched on salient aspects of the
story last month by highlighting the bin Laden family investments in the
Carlyle Group, then dropped it like a hot 'tater. "Bin Laden Family Could
Profit From a Jump In Defense Spending Due to Ties to U.S. Bank", by Daniel
Golden, James Bandler, and Marcus Walker, The Wall Street Journal, 9/28/01
After the WSJ story, Judicial Watch spokesman Larry Klayman posted a release
uppping the ante. He was again ignored by the mainstream when he said, "This
conflict of interest has now turned into a scandal. The idea of the
President's father, an ex-president himself, doing business with a company
under investigation by the FBI in the terror attacks of September 11 is
horrible. President Bush should not ask, but demand, that his father pull
out of the Carlyle Group."
Lying -- a Bush Family Value
By Robert Parry
July 18, 2003
In most cases, it wouldnt matter much that a 40-year-old long-time heavy
drinker refused to admit to his alcoholism, nor that years later, he
continued to play word games when asked about his cocaine use. Doctors might
say that denial isnt good for a persons recovery, but that wouldnt affect
the rest of us.
Meanwhile, the American people are supposed to bend over backward with
testimonials, saying it would be unthinkable that "straight-shooting" George
W. Bush would ever intentionally mislead the people. The Bushes simply aren
t capable of lying, even when the public is watching a train wreck of lies
about the reasons for the Iraq War.
The American public's not even supposed to notice when Bush as recently as
July 14 altered key facts about how the war to oust Iraqi dictator Saddam
Hussein began earlier this year. "We gave him a chance to allow the
inspectors in, and he wouldnt let them in," Bush said at the White House.
"After a reasonable request, we decided to remove him from power."
With U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan sitting next to him and White House
reporters in front of him, Bush lied. In reality, Husseins government had
allowed the U.N. inspectors to scour the countryside for months and was even
complying with U.N. demands to destroy missiles that exceeded the range
permitted by international sanctions.
In early March, U.N. inspectors were requesting more time for their work and
noting that the Iraqis finally were filling in details about how they had
destroyed earlier stockpiles of weapons. But Bush cut the inspections short
and launched his invasion.
Now, asserting a kind of kingly right to say whatever he wishes without
contradiction, Bush revised the history to put himself in a more favorable
light. The lie was so obvious that some Bush watchers suggest it indicates
either a growing brazenness in his deceptions or a disconnect between Bushs
mind and reality.
Still, Bush continues to chastise those who question his honesty about the
Iraq War as "historical revisionists." He accuses them of trying to rewrite
or falsify the history. Meanwhile, Bushs own rewriting of the prologue to
the Iraq War drew only passing notice from a U.S. news media that still
accepts the myth of Bush, the "straight shooter."
[end clip]